The perma-kitten known as Lil Bub is small and doesn t get around very well. Lil BUB was adopted by Mike Bridavsky when she was two months old. Mike is the owner and chief engineer at Russian Recording. Bub boasts her own merchandise, but owner Mike Bridavsky.
Behind every great Internet-famous pet is the human owner that loves her. The Story of Lil BUB - Mar 2013. Meet LIL BUB, Internet Cat Sensation - Jan 2014.
Sa mchoire infrieure ne s est jamais compltement dveloppe du fait de son nanisme.
Lil Bub made her debut in November of 201 but really that s just a. Was Lil Bub s survival strategy because she s not able to survive in the wild. Tees Animal Rescue for an interview with the feline star and her owner, Mike Bridavsky. pets that make millions for their owners Las Vegas Review. Bitching about over breeding, the owners of Lil Bub (or at least the).
ABOUT Lil BUB Since then BUB has become one of the most famous cats on planet.